Saturday, March 21, 2009

so much sun, all the time.

i wish most of my shirts weren't black.  sun is hot. therefore i am hot. it is so hot.

on the sun deck i can pick up a weak internet connection, thanks linksys!  on the sun deck, sometimes this awesome cat comes and hangs out with me. it's huge and fluffy and friendly, and i named him Dude and we're pals.  i think animals are better than humans in most possible ways. social ways included.  if an animal isn't nice to you, you better believe it has a reason for it.  you probably fucked up. way to go.

i am getting rained on by weird leaf/petal things from the tree i am sitting under. speaking of things falling on things under them, for whatever reason i keep parking my car under a tree that is apparently housing a million birds... so  my car is covered in bird shit and it's pretty disgusting and embarrassing.  maybe i'll go try to wash some of it off at a gas station today.  but more likely i won't.  what's more likely is i'll sit on my couch and read all day.  i finished my million page book, Misfortune. then i read Survivor by chuck palahniuk. which is fucking great. now i'm reading another one by him, invisible monsters. i borrowed these from tim, who borrowed them from someone else.  i'll be done with invisible monsters within the next couple days though, so he can have them back and return them to their rightful owner. 

i guess that's all for now.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I live in Arizona now, I guess.

I've lived here for about 3 days now.  Unfortunately I can't pick up a free wireless signal, but my brother figured out how to connect me using my phone.  It's probably charging me so much money to use it like this though, so I'm going to have to call AT&T and ask them what's up.  

Anyway, the trip here was crazy.  I gave the cats Xanax and the sedatives the first day and when we got to the hotel that night they were acting drunk and annoying, as drunks tend to be.  Radley would NOT stop meowing.  Literally.  I think he didn't know how to feel while drugged so he just stumbled around meowing and also making Jack hiss at him.  It was all very frustrating and we were trying to sleep after driving all day and he wouldn't shut the fuck up.  Kolin kept yelling.  We got no sleep at all.  At 6m we got out of bed and went to Shoney's for breakfast.  It was gross.  After that I didn't give them any more drugs and they were fine the whole time.  Jack didn't even pee on any of the hotel beds!  It was a miracle. 

I'm slightly less stressed now since I am moved in and don't have to drive a big truck anymore.  However now I have to find a job and unpack all my crap.  Jobs... bah.

Kolin leaves tomorrow morning.  His flight is at 6am, so I have to drive him to the airport at like 4am.  We might just stay up all night PARTYING!  Just kidding, we'll probably read books or cook food.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

ok, here's a ridiculous one...

I just called my cat "Snoop Doggy-Dog" by accident.  You might ask yourself how this came about.  Well, let me tell you...

I call my cats lots of things, some of them include: poo, pooper, shmoop, shmoopy, shmoopers, poop-butt, boo, snoot, and then accidentally... snoop.  I just added doggy dog as an afterthought a few seconds later.

Anyway.  I gave the cats some Xanax as a test to how they reacted and this was the conclusion:  BAH!  That means it did basically nothing.  They acted the same, played the same.  They might have been a little hungrier and a little meowier than usual, too.  Also Radley was acting kind of drunk.  None of these effects are ones I desired.  You know, like, passing out stone cold, sleeping for hours, NOT meowing, not freaking out, not hyper-kitty-ventilating.  I'm going to have to call the vet again.  She mentioned they might need the Xanax AND sedatives.  Turns out, I think that's what's in the cards for my little snoop doggy dog-cats.

moving day is soon.

In 3 days Kolin and I head out on our journey cross-country.  It's going to be quite an adventure.  Two people, two cats, two vehicles. Granted, one vehicle is going to be attached to the other.  Also, instead of sedatives apparently I'm going to be giving my cats Xanax.  Hilarious.  My poor little anxious dudes.  

Monday we get the truck, pack it up, and then sit in my empty apartment waiting for the next day to come.  When it does, we get our shit together, go back to the truck rental place, and have them attach my car to the truck.  Then we leave.  Vroom.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

my life

All I do is eat cookies for breakfast and listen to my cat meow at me.  This is all I do, ever.  With the occasional reading of a book.  If Jack had no mouth or bladder he would be the best cat on earth. 

Monday, March 2, 2009


- I finished Kafka on the Shore. It was amazing. Of course.
- I'm leaving for Arizona in 8 days, and I'm not NOT stressing about it. Get it?
- I'm not sure why I feel the need to blog this, but I am anyway.  Probably because it's 2:30 and I'm drinking tea instead of sleeping.
- I wish I was a cat.
- I haven't seen any ladybugs since this morning.
- Fuck snow, fuck cold. Just so you know.
- I'm looking forward to living in a smaller apartment. I just wish there wasn't carpet. And I mean, if there has to be carpet, why BEIGE carpet? I mean come on! Come the fuck on! Also now I'm going to need a vacuum. Frick.
- I guess that's all.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

ladybug update

The ladybug I saved from drowning last night survived, because it was gone this morning. However, I found a living one in the garbage this morning, and took it out. 

These guys seriously have a death wish.